Thursday, February 28, 2013

"...a direction of quiet solitude..."

This month I am pleased to be featuring a guest artist at the gallery, my friend, teacher and inspiration, Jen Davey.
Veil, 48"x48", oil and chalk on panel, 2012

Quiet: paintings by Jennifer Davey
Opens Friday March 1, 2013, 6-9 pm
Exhibition continues through March 25.
Visit the website to learn more.

1 comment:

  1. Many reasons that this show is beautiful and eloquent. It is an artist in full bloom - the subtle quality of the painting -the work really needs to be looked at. The installation reflects the essence of the artists statement - the superb intimacy of that space is ideal. As i said to Jen Davey - "You are the bar for painting in Fort Collins". If you can't start there-do not bother starting at all. I am inspired in many ways by Jen's work and the path she has taken.
