Monday, October 5, 2009

Public Practice Exhibition

Well, my new exhibit went off with a bang, even if it was last minute. I was fine tuning the particulars up to 3pm Friday, but everything worked out well. The photo-booth was a fun time, with people making faces, and laughing behind the curtains. The typewriter was a huge draw to young and old alike. Some new and amazing comments were added to the walls, and for some, it was a first time experience to use such an ancient machine (ha!). The videos, put into a loop and projected onto the wall/corner, were quite intriguing, and it will be interesting to see the creative abstraction one continue to grow and change. The gallery will be open Thursdays 12-2pm or by appointment. The exhibit will be on display through November. Visit for more information.


  1. This is a very provocative show. Can you post some images so we can get "the view"? Looking forward to what November brings....

    Una Cabeza

  2. Okay, I posted a photo from the opening reception. The exhibit will continue through the first Friday in December.
