This image was created by Laura Brent, using color film and a pinhole in a body cap on a Nikon FE2. The imagery is evocative of Joseph Nicephore's (Niepce) 1826 "View from the Window at Le Gras", the first photograph ever made. It is held at the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas, in Austin.
In this day and age of digital cameras, and high-tech methods of gathering and printing photographs, Brent enjoys getting her fingers wet with the photons, experimenting with the pinhole medium. The image was captured in Santa Fe, NM, and the film was developed in Durango, CO at Pennington Photo, a camera store that has been in operation since 1906, and plans to close at the end of April. This work is in homage to the historic makers and methods, and a gesture that these vintage processes are still a valid art form.